Yoga that loses your weight quickly


Obesity is a big problem of today’s world. Maximum people have obesity. But people want to lose their weight without running or doing hard work. You can lose your weight by taking a control over your food habit and doing yoga daily. For yoga, you don’t need much place. So you can do it anywhere you want. Today I will tell you about some yoga that will help you to lose weight so quickly.

Yoga 1: Plank


This yoga pose burns mega calories because it forces your body to resist gravity. Every parts of your body will engage with it. The longer you stay in the pose anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes the more calories you burn as well.

Effected area: Every body part

Yoga 2: Chair


For doing this yoga you have to activate your most large muscle- The Butt. It will automatically lose many calories. Chair pose is easy for all yogis.

Effected area: Butt, soldier, hand muscles, breast, thigh

Yoga 3: Chaturanga


It’s basically like holding the low part of a push-up, and, when done properly, it requires you to engage most of your major muscle groups. It’s incredibly challenging and forces even the most advanced practitioners to be mindful and move with control.

Effected area: Every body part

Yoga 4: Downward facing dog


Start on the floor on your hands and knees, knees hip-width apart and hands directly under the shoulders. Spread your fingers wide and press your weight firmly across your hands and into the mat. Continue to take deep inhales and exhales; work your way up to holding for 5 or more breaths.

Effected area: legs, arms, shoulders, upper back, abs.

Yoga 5: Warrior


Start in downward-facing dog, then step your right foot forward between your hands so that you are in a low runner’s lunge. Turn your left heel slightly outward, drawing left hip forward and right hip back so they stay square. Engage your abs and lift up into a high lunge, while lifting arms up, palms facing or touching. Continue to take deep inhales and exhales; work your way up to holding for five breaths.

Effected area: legs, hips, butt, arms, shoulders, chest, abs, back.

Yoga 6: Superman


Lie face down with legs together, forehead resting on mat, arms out in front of you with palms down. Squeezing your abs and butt, lift arms and legs directly up, holding your upper and lower body off the ground. Continue to take deep inhales and exhales.

Effected area: back, chest, shoulders, arms, butt, hamstrings, abs.