Be ready for kick the Bad habits from your life

Give up bad habits


We all have bad habits. Though we know that some of our habits are bad we can’t quit from it. Bad habits are hard to break. If it is harmful to your health and life, you should quit that at any cost. There are many ways to give up bad habits.

Now here are some tips and tricks for the kick out bad habits.

  1. Replace a good habit: For quitting a bad habit you should replace a good habit. For smoker when they need to smoke they can drink water or lemon juice.
  2. Reward yourself: Make challenges for 10 or 7 days and after that reward yourself if you win the challenge. The reward can be like chocolate, pie cake, pickles, ice-cream.
  3. Remind alarm: Sometimes you will forget to quit that. Don’t worry it’s natural. It is not so easy to quit. When your willpower will fade, you will fall into bad habits again. Set reminding alarm if you forgot anyhow. It will help you to remind your designation.
  4. Change your circumstance: If you always stay in the same place with the same routine it can make a bad habit. So always change your routine or surrounding. It might seem a little strange at first, but it could work for you too.
  5. Write down what you do daily: Keep pen and paper near to you or you can keep a diary. Write down everything you have done in a single day. Check this at your bed time. Surprisingly you will notice your habits and which you shouldn’t do.
  6. Meditation: Take meditation regularly for removing bad habit. It will boost your mind. Once you have identified the triggers, you can do meditation to distract yourself next time you are in a trigger situation.
  7. Tactic for removing bad habit: There is a tactic involves placing a large rubber band around your wrist, says Farrell. she tells “Every time you become aware that you are engaging in a bad habit, pull it back and allow it to snap so it creates a discomfort”.
  8. Think differently about your bad habits: Though we hate our bad habits we tend to continue doing that. Because it provides us some sort of satisfaction or psychological pleasant. Catch your positive thinking about that habit and convert it into a negative thinking.
  9. Take action: We always think to do but we can’t take an action. That is our main problem. You must take massive action.
  10. Don’t be hopeless: Failure is the pillar of success. You have to remember this always. You will fail, again and again, Don’t give up.

American singer-songwriter Jordan Knight says about Bad habit “I think if you stop bad habits, and you stop long enough, you develop good habits”.


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